
Positive Codeplex coverage with Power Toy Mentions

So www.codeplex.com has officially launched… if you’ve seen any of the Developer Solutions team bloggers you know that we’ve been doing business there for the last month or so, but I guess we officially sent out releases to the mainstream tech media. The good news is that our team’s efforts are also mentioned favorably in the articles about Codeplex…


Here is just a small collection of the press around the launch that mention our stuff.


Network World - https://www.networkworld.com/news/2006/062706-microsoft-unveils-code-sharing-web.html

IT World - https://www.itworld.com/AppDev/530/060627mscodeshare/

Techworld Netherlands - https://www.techworld.nl/idgns/516/microsoft-unveils-code-sharing-web-site.html

CIO.com - https://www.cio.com/blog_view.html?CID=22467

SysAdmin Italy - https://www.sysadmin.it/eng/news/news.asp?id=2802&titolo=Microsoft%20Unveils%20%E2%80%99CodePlex%E2%80%99%20Website

DigitalWorldTokyo - https://www.digitalworldtokyo.com/2006/06/microsoft_unveils_codesharing_1.php

eWeek- Microsoft Releases CodePlex with 30 Projects


Also posted to:

Channel Insider: https://www.thechannelinsider.com/article/Microsoft+Releases+CodePlex+with+30+Projects/182019_1.aspx