Software Updates Deployments - Notification Script Update
In the last blog post the code used was also triggering notifications for Configuration Baselines. EventIDs 30196 and 30197 are also used for Baseline deployments. If we run the query in SQL Management Studio to retrieve all Assignments, we can see that there is an AssignmentType, and looking at that table gives us the following info:
A quick modification to the query to include the AssignmentType, and then an if statement to only continue the script if AssignmentType = 5 will get the job done.
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SCCM_Software_Update_Events.ps1 - View on GitHub Gist
001002003004005006007008009010011012013014015016017018019020021022023024025026027028029030031032033034035036037038039040041042043044045046047048049050051052053054055056057058059060061062063064065066067068069070071 | param($msgID, $AssignmentID) trap { $_ | Out-File -FilePath C:\TEMP\sccm_scripting_error.txt -Force } ## USER CONFIG ############################################## #$email_to = "joe@northwinds.local" #$email_from = "noreply@northwinds.local" #$email_server = "" # SQL\SERVERNAME\INSTANCE\Databases\DATABASENAME $sqlString = "SQL\SCCMCAS\DEFAULT\Databases\CM_CAS" ############################################################# New-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "SMS Scripting" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Import-Module SQLPS Set-Location $sqlString $query = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "SELECT VCIA.AssignmentId, VCIA.AssignmentName, VCIA.UseGMTTimes, VCIA.CreationTime, VCIA.LastModifiedBy, VCIA.LastModificationTime, VCIA.StartTime, VCIA.EnforcementDeadline, VCIA.SourceSite, COLS.CollectionName, SRV.SiteCode, CMC.AssignedCount, VCIA.AssignmentType FROM vCI_CIAssignments VCIA INNER JOIN Collections COLS ON COLS.CollectionID = VCIA.TargetCollectionID INNER JOIN CollectionMemberCounts CMC ON CMC.CollectionID = COLS.COllectionID INNER JOIN ServerData SRV ON SRV.ID = CMC.SiteNumber WHERE VCIA.AssignmentID = $AssignmentID;" $info = "" if($query[0].AssignmentId -eq $AssignmentID) { $info = $query[0] } else { $info = $query } if($info.AssignmentType -eq 5) { $totalCount = 0 foreach($rec in $query) { $totalCount += $rec.AssignedCount } $message = "" switch($msgID) { 30196 { $message = "Updates Deployment CREATED on '$($info.CollectionName)' targeting $totalCount machine(s).`r`n`r`n" } 30197 { $message = "Updates Deployment MODIFIED on '$($info.CollectionName)' targeting $totalCount machine(s).`r`n`r`n" } Default { $message = "Unhandled msgID was passed." } } $message += "AssignmentID: $($info.AssignmentID)`r`n" $message += "AssignmentName: $($info.AssignmentName)`r`n" $message += "CreationTime: $($info.CreationTime)`r`n" $message += "LastModifiedBy: $($info.LastModifiedBy)`r`n" $message += "LastModificaitonTime: $($info.LastModificationTime)`r`n" $message += "StartTime: $($info.StartTime)" if($info.UseGMTTimes) { $message += " UTC" } $message += "`r`n" if($info.EnforcementDeadline.ToString().Trim() -eq "") { $message += "EnforcementDeadLine: (None - Available Deployment)`r`n" } else { $message += "EnforcementDeadLine: $($info.EnforcementDeadline)" if($info.UseGMTTimes) { $message += " UTC" } $message += "`r`n" } $message += "CollectionName: $($info.CollectionName)`r`n" foreach($rec in $query) { $message += "$($rec.SiteCode) AssignedCount: $($rec.AssignedCount)`r`n" } $message += "TotalCount: $totalCount`r`n" Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "SMS Scripting" -EntryType Information -EventId $msgID -Message $message #$email = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage #$email.To.Add($email_to) #$email.From = $email_from #$email.Subject = "SCCM 2012 | $($info.SourceSite) Updates Deployment | $totalCount Targets" #$email.Body = $message #$smtp = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient $email_server #$smtp.Send($email) } # # |
- Anonymous
April 06, 2015
Set up Status Filter Rules to log extra information in the Application Event Log and optionally