Microsoft Network Monitor 3.2 - nova verze
Nová verze nástroje Network Monitor je dostupná na stránkách Microsoftu.
Network Monitor slouží k zobrazení obsahu paketu v síti - at již aktuálne zachycených nebo z uložených souboru a umožnuje filtraci zachycených dat a jejich analýzu.
What's New
- Process tracking: Categorize network traffic based on the name and ID of the owning process.
- Extensive parser set: For over 300 public and Microsoft proprietary protocols.
- Improved capture rate: Drop fewer frames on high-speed networks.
- ContainsBin plug-in: Search frames for strings or arbitrary byte sequences.
- Find conversations: Quickly isolate related frames.
- Network Monitor 3.2 API: Create your own applications that capture, parse, and analyze network traffic.
- Support for frame truncation.
- Indication of the number of dropped frames.
- Streamlined UI toolbar
- A complete list of new features and known issues is available in the release notes in the Help directory.
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