
How To Optimize Your March Madness Bracket with Azure Machine Learning

In the latest episode of DevRadio, I interviewed Damon Hachmeister from the Azure Machine Learning team.  Damon runs a competition for Microsoft employees to see who can best predict the results of the NCAA March Madness Tournament using Azure Machine Learning.  Last year, he won second place himself, and he walks us through his algorithm.  You can watch the show at https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/DevRadio/DR1641 or embedded below. 

Adam Garland, the first place winner, also wrote about his experience at “March Madness – My First Azure ML Experience”.  He had no machine learning experience, but AzureML made it easy enough for a machine-learning beginner with basketball knowledge to win!  You can see all of last year’s winners at https://marchmadness2015.azurewebsites.net/

Think you can do better this year?  Check out Azure Machine Learning now!  The documentation is here

May the odds be ever in your favor.