Lock/NoLock code
There was a comment that the LazyLoader was not thread safe. We decided to add thread safety & refactor.
One of the concerns we had was that locking isn’t necessary if you know ahead of time that you’ll always be single-threaded. You may not want to take the performance hit.
One very common coding idiom is the lock-and-create code. We encapsulated this behavior in a new class, as well as providing a way to accept no-lock semantics:
interface ILock : IDisposable
IDisposable Aquire();
class Lock : ILock
readonly Mutex mutex = new Mutex(false);
IDisposable ILock.Aquire()
return this;
void IDisposable.Dispose()
class NoLock : ILock
IDisposable ILock.Aquire() { return null; }
void IDisposable.Dispose() { }
In your code, you have an ILock instance (really a Lock or a NoLock), and then:
using (@lock.Aquire())
- Anonymous
May 06, 2004
According to the design guidelines(http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnpag/html/scalenetchapt04.asp) mutexes are only supposed to be used for cross process communication, too expensive I imagine... - Anonymous
May 06, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
May 07, 2004
Good point David. We actually were talking about what lock actually means when we were breaking it out into it's own type to handle locking. I find it very interesting that we were discussing how to extract lock() into it's own object. We mentioned that:
try {
} finally {
and then also mentioned we needed something like a monitor that we could Enter and Exit. What did we come up with though? A Mutex!! :-)
Well, here's to the benefits that arise from peer review. Thanks very much David.