Euler #2
Problem #2 came quite a bit faster. The yield syntax in F# is very similar to the C# iterator syntax and made translating this sample a breeze.
As a commenter posted, in problem #1, I would've been better served to use Seq.filter as opposed to Seq.choose for the purpose of filtering list. I've applied that here. One downfall of learning a new language is finding the right API. I spent a bit of time reading through the Seq documentation looking for the equivalent of the Where extension method and could only find chose. Lesson learned
// Find the sum of all the even-valued terms in the sequence which do not exceed four million.
let problem2() =
let rec fib prev cur = seq {
yield prev
if cur < 4000000 then
yield! fib cur (prev+cur)
fib 1 2
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> 0 = x % 2)
|> Seq.sum
September 11, 2008
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September 11, 2008
Hi, I suggest this solution: let problem2() = Seq.unfold (fun (x, y) -> Some (x, (x + y, x))) (1, 0) |> Seq.filter (fun x -> 0 = x % 2) |> Seq.take_while ((>) 4000000) |> Seq.sum Today's lesson: Seq.unfold. It's not always easy to use, but it's a very nice function. Here, it returns the infinite list of Fibonacci numbers.