Cider! Cider! Cider!
No surprise, Tim is prompt to post links to latest CTP goodies Huge surprise: I am giving Cider a fair try ....
Since a few weeks ago, I have been using Cider August CTP (or candidates for it).. It still has code parsing issues (aka whoops)... but it is a huge improvement of past releases and it has a few features that I really like:
- SplitView -- think Xamlpad, but inside VS...
- Their Grid designer is very nifty... lots of handles to move stuff around
- The code generated is very clean...
- I am weird, but I like the properties window in Cider better than Sparkle's..
The readme for Cider's release is in Tim's links.. Please check it out and give Cider a try..
Does this mean I am stepping away from EiD? sorry can't do... but I am going back and forth; for smaller single window prototypes with not too many users controls, I am in Cider.. playing around and most important thinking about feedback and suggestions: VS2007 has a long stabilization cycle planned on their release, the time to provide feedback and suggestions is now cause they are going to move to feature complete pretty quick ...