
Are you Ready for some FOOTBALL- Powered by Silverlight?


Here's a new online viewing experience for all you folks trying to watch Sunday Night Football while working on your computer...The NFL and NBC will be delivering the entire Sunday Night Football season utilizing Silverlight 3.0 and IIS7 Smooth Streaming.  

The Sunday Night Football online experience will be groundbreaking, and set a new bar for what can be done with live online video.  Better yet – it cannot be achieved today with anything but Silverlight 3 and IIS7 Smooth Streaming. 

Check it out: http://snfextra.nbcsports.com/

Some particular highlights of what it delivers:

  • A full screen video player that is capable of delivering 720p HD video. TV quality on the web.
  • A main HD video feed, plus 4 user selectable alternate synchronized camera feeds that allows users to switch camera angles themselves.  Your TV can’t do that.
  • Adaptive smooth streaming of live HD video, which enables the video player to automatically switch bitrates on the fly depending on networking/CPU conditions.  No buffering/stuttering experience.
  • DVR support of the live video, including Pause, Instant Replay, Slow Motion, Skip Forward/Back. You can pause and rewind on live video.
  • Play-by-play data (touchdowns, fumbles, etc) inserted as tooltip chapter markers on the scrubber at the bottom allowing you to quickly seek to key moments. A smarter, contextual DVR.
  • Highlights of major plays created within minutes of the play. NBC is cutting on demand highlights and publishing them on the fly with Smooth Streaming.
  • Sideline interviews with the players.  No more channel surfing, you are one click away from additional content.
  • Game statistics. These are live stats coming directly in real-time from the NFL.
  • Game commentary and Q&A with the SNF hosts.  Chat with the live TV broadcasters.
  • And for the first time ever, dynamic ad insertion of  smooth streaming adverts on the client.  This is a big benefit for NBC to help drive additional ad revenue.

Join us for Week 3, Sunday, Sept. 27 -- TV: Game begins on NBC at 8 p.m. ET / WEB: Show begins at 8 p.m. ET!

Technorati Tags: Silverlight 3,IIS7,Smooth Streaming,NFL Football

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