
Windows Vista Launches! ... virtual launch site.

Windows Vista Launches!

"... It's an exciting thing to finally be here" :-) .. as Steve Ballmer said in the opening lines of his keynote from NASDAQ in New York this morning     We're nearly 'here' for the Irish launch as well.  Everything is set to kick off next Tuesday, December 5th.  With that in mind I thought you might be interested in seeing what else is happening around the world for launch.

As this announcement marks the beginning of one of the the most significant launches in company history, with more than 1 billion people expected to use these products in the next decade.   As you can imagine there will be a lot of news coverage so we have created a virtual launch site : https://msnewday.com/ so you too can be a part of this exciting news cycle.  This site provides you with access to the launch keynote, and a forum for discussing business value.