
“Security Bulletins for the regular IT guy” Podcast – 04/14/2009

It is another Patch Tuesday and I just got an email from Rick Claus from Microsoft Canada’s IT Pro Evangelist team telling me about a new way to get the message out. In a very Canadian (and Irish) way, 3 guys got together over a pint or two and came up with a brilliant idea. Create a simple overview of the new released patches in plain English for the IT Pro, to make it easy to understand what is at risk and what needs to be patched.


  1. Use plain English terms and every day language that any Technical professional can understand – minimize “corporate speak”.
  2. Breakdown each Security Bulletin with summary information first followed by more details as to the impact an IT Pro would face.
  3. Outline mitigation factors in case patches couldn’t be tested or applied in a timely fashion
  4. Keep it top 15 minutes OR LESS. this one is critical – Keep It Simple, repeatable and get out of the IT Pros way to get on with their day.
  5. Have fun!

The Podcast is available from the links below and includes Pierre Roman (IT Pro Advisor / previously a Senior Technical Account Manager), Bruce Cowper (Chief Security Advisor) and Rick Claus (Senior IT Pro Advisor), all from the Microsoft Canada team.

Give it a listen and tell me what you think. Email me at wilbour.craddock@microsoft.com if you like the idea.

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