
Prizes for learning – this week’s MVA challenge is..

If you live in Ireland you can win prizes just for learning

Microsoft introduced the Microsoft Virtual Academy a while ago.  It’s a one stop shop for online training, with more and more content coming on line all the time.  It offers you short exams/tests to let you demonstrate to yourself that you understand the topic just covered.  It also introduces a bit of “gamification” by letting you earn points as you progress (and points make prizes)!

I’ve been offering a free TechNet Subscription to anyone who can get themselves into the Top Ten list for Ireland – I’ve given away close to 30 so far!

I have also introduced my “Learn Along With Dave” initiative, where I set a weekly challenge and pull three names out of a hat from all the entries.  So far I have given away fifteen weekly prizes and a Nokia Lumia 800.

This week’s challenge is to have a first look at Windows Server “8” and to pass the associated exam.

I’m taking next week off work (well deserved holiday), so won’t be around until Monday 16th April, so you have two weeks to send me a screenshot (similar to mine) before then and you’ll be in the hat to win one of three prizes.


Prizes are currently your choice from a Microsoft branded Rain Jacket, Umbrella, Mini-Toolkit or a 32GB USB 3.0 memory key.

Unfortunately I can’t open this up to the world – you’ll have to give me an Irish address to claim your prize (North or South).

Good luck
