
Patch Tuesday in Plain English

It is patch Tuesday, or Wednesday as it maybe here in Ireland. Patching is a huge undertaking and one that needs to be done with the best information available. To help sift through all information and make it understandable the Canadian IT Pro team started to produce the monthly “Security Bulletins for the regular IT guy” Podcast.

Have a listen directly from the embedded Silverlight player OR subscribe to the specific feed and download it to your iTunes / Zune software. 

As always - if you have suggestions on making it better - please pass on your comments. Mail Rick directly  – rick.claus@microsoft.com

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Disclaimer: This podcast was produced with the best information available to us at the time of recording. Your primary source for all things Security Bulletin related should always be the Microsoft Security Response Center blog.

Bulletins discussed for August 11th, 2009:

Podcast Participants: Pierre Roman and Rick Claus.

Additional Technical Show Notes:
  • Pierre and Rick were in a local pub called “The Loon and Arrow” recording this one – I hope the background noise isn’t too much to handle. For those of you wondering – we were having a pint of Wellington breweries finest “County Dark Ale”.

PodSafe music from PodSafe Music Network @ https://music.podshow.com/ . Artist: Derek K Miller , song - “You’re the Big Sky - rock guitar instrumental”

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