
Microsoft Windows Server 8 Hyper-V - New high-availability and migration features bring the "wow"

Wow! If I had to pick one word to describe my reaction to the new and improved Microsoft Hyper-V features in Windows Server 8, then wow would be it.

I had to share this with you – it’s a great write-up of some of the new features that we’ll see in Windows Server “8” Hyper-V

The complete post is here:


This is the last paragraph:

Great New Capabilities

The new Windows Server 8 features for VM migration and replication give organizations a great new capability for keeping VMs available and mobile throughout an organization's IT infrastructure -- without needing complex and expensive infrastructure changes. The Hyper-V live migration and Replica capabilities are just a few of the enhancements, and this discussion is based on the beta of Windows Server 8 so functionality could change. But the features give us an idea of the level of advancements that we're going to enjoy in the next version of Hyper-V and Windows Server.
