
Application Virtualisation (App-V) – Guest Post by Rory Monaghan

Five short videos explaining and demonstrating Microsoft’s App-V

RoryRory Monaghan is a Galwegian who has been working in application virtualization and the desktop space for over 5 years.

He has put together this series of short video tutorials guiding you through what it is and how to set it up through to troubleshooting it when it’s not working (which is hopefully infrequently).

Microsoft Application Virtualisation (App-V) enables enterprises to meet the needs of users and IT by empowering anywhere productivity and accelerated application deployment.  It provides anywhere user access to applications that available on any authorized device without application installs.

The first video in this series in just a presentation to introduce you all to APP-V. I discuss the requirements for APP-V, the different components, the capabilities of APP-V and the different types of setups.


This video is a walk through demonstration of the setting up the APP-V Full Streaming environment.


This video is an end to end of APP-V sequencing and a how to for streaming the application from the APP-V server.


This video is a demonstration of the APP-V Management console with an explanation of the different options available.


Troubleshooting in APP-V explained


Thanks Rory

