
Goodbye, farewell, and thanks for supporting Tablet!

Well, it's about time for me to blog again. My privileges were suspended following that last posting here caused a small ruckus. You may have seen my name/posting referenced on ZDnet, Engadget, Cnet, Fake Steve Jobs, Seattle PI, among others.

This posting is my announcement that I am leaving Microsoft for the great unknown. Not unknown as in a new job. I mean unknown as in unemployment, recharging the ol' batteries, bumming around, "Ohmygod What have I done?" and "What am I going to do next?"

I wanted to take the time to thank every one of the Tablet fans that I've met, from Lora Heiny and her fine family, Terri Stratton, Linda Epstein, Rob Bushway, Dennis Rice, Chris Hassler, Nancy Lush at Lush Group, the two funny guys from England who attended TechEd05 in Orlando FL and actually bought Tablets because of me, and the hundreds of others that I've met online, over the phone, and in person. And all the fine people I've worked with on the the Tablet projects over the years.

Thanks also go out to everybody who took an interest in my career at Microsoft. I came in as a temp working on Windows 95 applications compatibility and I go out working on the coolest consumer input technology, touch input. I made it to the ten year mark!

This decision is not directly due to the furor generated by my little December blog post, but that certainly didn't help my standing in my working life. It's been a couple of years in the making, but even after a couple of years knowing this day would come, it's shocking to know that it's finally here.

I am happy to have moved the needle, no matter how little, on the openness of Tablet development at Microsoft and hopefully I have advanced the public's understanding of Tablet technology.

Thank you!


  • Anonymous
    February 29, 2008
    ....you could link to your New Blog! Good luck in the real world......

  • Anonymous
    March 01, 2008
    Hilton: The best of luck to you, my friend. I certainly appreciate the times we were able to connect at various conferences and the tremendous impact you had on Tablet technology. We are all the benefit of your hard work. Rob Bushway