
Optional Auth Rules -- showing, hiding, checking, unchecking

When a you add an optional auth rule to your application, by default it will not be shown to users in App Auth.  There is a parameter to the Shell Redirect call which lets you specify one or more rules to be displayed – onopt#

On the back end, the application configuration also supports setting this default show/hide behavior, or the checked/unchecked state of the checkbox next to your optional rule.  We have not yet added this feature to the Application Configuration Center, so if you would like to set this parameter then you must contact the HealthVault team.  Please send us the following:

Rule Name(s)
preferred show/hide behavior for each rule
preferred check/uncheck behavior for each rule

If you aren't already working with the HealthVault team then you can reach us via either of the support options listed at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/healthvault/bb870258.aspx.