
Podcast: Visual literacy and illiteracy

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Harry, Jonathan, Joy, and Eric talk about what visual literacy might mean and whether there is such a thing as visual illiteracy.

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Duration: 16:09
Size: 11.1 MB

When you use an image to communicate, do you know whether the viewer will understand the image the way you meant it? Visual literacy depends on the sender and the receiver having a common understanding of how an image is used and what it means. Or, they can create a shared understanding in certain contexts.

In the article we use as the beginning of our conversation, Robert Lane and Andre Vlcek state: "Over the years, we’ve observed at least 20 different ways people take advantage of pictures in presentation, what are called picture roles. These roles are marvelous. They can jumpstart creativity and at the same time provide templates for picture use. In this article, we’ll explore eight roles in particular..."

Do these picture roles represent a visual vocabulary or syntax?

Speaking Visually: Eight Roles Pictures Play in Presentation

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