
Messenger BOTS

Apparently Microsoft acquired Colloquis (aka. Conversagent): https://www.marketwatch.com/News/Story/Story.aspx?guid=%7bE701BBF4-17E9-4185-829A-B07CD37A0851%7d&siteid=yhoo&dist=yhoo

This seems to be all about the Messenger bots. I've added quite a few to my messenger but only use one, once in a while:

Others that seem to be online currently are:

All the other I added are not awake. Some people seem to really dig this some think this is the 2006 version of a terminal application. Whatever you think of it, there seems to be some business in there! Eccky seems to sponsor an F1 team.

If you have a really cool one, please add it to my comments. Cheers!