
CHALLENGE #3 - Include twitter feed on the customer card (LEVEL 2)


To form the basis for monitoring customer sentiment, opportunities, or issues, enter a twitter handle for your customers and show a twitter timeline for the customer on the customer card.

To complete this challenge, you will need

  • A Dynamics 365 Business Central Sandbox Environment
  • Visual Studio Code with the AL Extension installed
    • Azure VMs will have VS Code pre-installed

Expected result


  • Create an empty app
  • Create a table extension for the customer table and add field for twitter handle
  • Create a page extension for the customer card and add field for twitter handle
  • Create Custom Control for showing Twitter feed
  • Create a CardPart page showing a twitter feed
  • Add the Twitter Feed card part to customer card


  • In VS Code, use Ctrl+Shift+P and type AL GO and remove the customerlist page extension
  • Use the ttableext and the tfield snippets to create the table extension
  • Use the tpageext and the tpagefield snippets to create the page extension
  • Use the tcontroladdin snippet to create the custom control, use https://dev.twitter.com/web/javascript/loading as inspiration for the Javascript code
  • Use the tpage snippet to create the cardpart page
  • Add the Twitter feed part to the factboxes area.

Cheat sheets


Happy coding

Freddy Kristiansen
Technical Evangelist

Passwords: Biqo3008, Gina2596, Velo7834, Jide3831, Horu9701, Mimy4754