
El grupo de producto de Office anuncia las Technical Preview de Office15, SharePoint15, Project15, Visio15, Exchange15, Lync15 para verano de 2012

Hola a todos.

Hace un rato en una session del TechReady 14 en EE.UU. hablando con mi "compannero" Patrick Heyde me comentaba que se ha hecho publico que este verano las Technical Preview de Office15, SharePoint15, Project15, Visio15, Exchange15, Lync15 van a estar disponibles para todo el mundo, segun se ha publicado en el blog del grupo de producto.

“While the Technical Preview program is already full, everyone will have the opportunity to try the Office 15 public beta later this summer, and we'll have more to share about the release then. In the meantime, I do want to thank everyone who is participating in the Technical Preview for their contributions and all our customers for their continued support.”

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Una muy buena noticia :)

Un saludo.

Héctor Calvarro Martín. SharePoint Dev. Microsoft Support Engineer for DEV EMEA