
Tell us how you would improve Group Policy Explain text


The Group Policy Team wants your feedback. We are looking to improve Group Policy Explain text, so your experience with Group Policy will be even better.


How would you like to see Explain text improved? Sock it to us! Let us know what you love and, um, don’t love about Explain text. How can we make it more useful to you? Are there specific policy settings on which you would like us to focus?


Send your suggestions to gptext@microsoft.com and craigli@microsoft.com. We will use your feedback to help prioritize the policy settings that need Explain text updates, and we will implement the top-priority updates based on customer need. Down the road, we will also post a list of policy settings whose Explain text we updated as a direct result of customer suggestions.


Not sure what Group Policy Explain text is? Explain text provides information about the behavior of Group Policy settings and is the primary means by which administrators learn about a specific policy setting. It is available directly in the UI when using the Group Policy Object Editor, Local Group Policy Editor, and Group Policy Management Console. Explain text may include details about dependencies and interactions with other policy settings as well as tips for entering additional information. Some Explain text may also include warnings about the security impact of enabling or disabling a specific policy setting. 


Bring on the suggestions!


The Group Policy Team
