
Happy New Year and a thank you for making 2009 great fun

Note: Cross posted from IUpdateable from Eric Nelson.


Have a fantastic New Years Eve this evening and a successful and fun 2010


(The above is the North Yorkshire Moors in 2009 as it should be – sheep and snow)

Thanks to everyone who read my blog in 2009 (and my other VB blog), left comments, followed me on twitter, listened to my podcast (and even some of you subscribed in ITunes which my daughter finds scary) and in general made me feel that there was indeed somebody out there listening to my ramblings. It is very much appreciated.

And a special thanks to all the folks who wrote articles for the MSDN Flash (which I was able to turn into two great ebooks - #1 and #2), the folks I interviewed for the podcast and the many UK based developers I met in person at user groups and events that spanned from Taunton (DDD SouthWest) to Glasgow (DDD Scotland – next is May 10th) – and Berlin which seemed to be full of UK developers :-). It has been a pleasure talking with so many smart and interesting folks.