HPC, Virtualization and Random Thoughts
HPC Server 2008 webcasts
My introductory demo / webcast on HPC Server 2008 beta 1 has been recorded. It can now be viewed...
Author: gmarchetti Date: 01/22/2008
Windows HPC Server 2008 Webcast
Want to find out what's new in Windows HPC Server 2008 and what exactly is "High Productivity...
Author: gmarchetti Date: 12/28/2007
HPC in Action - Bioinformatics
Ever played with the "game of life"? Well, here's an example of the real thing: HPC used to study...
Author: gmarchetti Date: 12/28/2007
Windows HPC Server 2008
The software previously known as Compute Cluster Server v2 is now available in beta 1 on...
Author: gmarchetti Date: 11/14/2007
Windows HPC Server 2008 Training in Redmond
The second workshop of the series is happening in Redmond on December 4th and 5th. The event is open...
Author: gmarchetti Date: 11/13/2007
Compute Cluster Server v2 Training in Munich
We are kicking off our Compute Cluster v2 training in Munich, Germany, on November 19th-20th. The...
Author: gmarchetti Date: 10/31/2007
Gaming and HPC?
Did you think that High Performance Computing was boring? Well, think again: we spent most of our...
Author: gmarchetti Date: 10/18/2007
Which topology?
When you set up a Microsoft compute cluster, you have a choice of five supported network...
Author: gmarchetti Date: 10/02/2007
MPI over iWarp
iWarp (aka RDMA support, TCP offload and kernel bypass on Ethernet) will be for some a viable...
Author: gmarchetti Date: 09/10/2007
More Infiniband tips
So, you've installed your infiniband cards, but got limited performance improvement for your MSMPI...
Author: gmarchetti Date: 09/10/2007
System Center Virtual Machine Manager
It's OUT!!! ... and we have announced that we shall support VMWare, Xen in a future release. I...
Author: gmarchetti Date: 09/06/2007
Infiniband and Winsock Direct
So, here are a few hints for those willing to try infiniband on Windows:Install Server 2003 SP2:...
Author: gmarchetti Date: 08/21/2007
Low Latency Links
Low-latency links are important for message-passing (MPI) applications. Typically several instances...
Author: gmarchetti Date: 08/21/2007
Deploying Compute Cluster Pack by Script
Yet another common scenario: you want to avoid using RIS and have other applications that deploy a...
Author: gmarchetti Date: 08/15/2007
Deploying Compute Cluster with WDS
I found a good article by John McRae on deploying Compute Cluster with Windows Deployment Service...
Author: gmarchetti Date: 08/15/2007
Computing Utilities
So, imagine this scenario: you have a rack full of servers that hum along at 20% of...
Author: gmarchetti Date: 08/10/2007
Accelerating Excel by Parallelization
Note that Excel 2007 is able to use multiple threads to parallelize calculations on the workstation....
Author: gmarchetti Date: 07/09/2007
HPC Schedulers
The scheduler is the core of a high-performance computing cluster:- It allocates computing...
Author: gmarchetti Date: 06/09/2007
High Performance Computing at Microsoft?
So, you have the latest multi-core, multi GHz, multi-processor, multi-everything laptop. That is a...
Author: gmarchetti Date: 05/18/2007