Resources for SmartClient session at Heroes Happen Here (VS2008) launch events
During the past few weeks I've been delivering the Smart Client session at the Heroes Happen Here launch events around the southeast. Here are several good articles and videos related to that session. Also if you find any that I missed, please feel free to suggest them via a comment.
Part 1 - WPF with Visual Studio 2008
- What's new in Visual Studio 2008 -
- Some specific information on the new WPF designer -
- Expression Blend 2.5 March Preview
- Working with WPF from Blend - (there are a lot of other Blend 2 pages here, just use the breadcrumbs at the top of that page to navigate)
Part 2 - Using Windows Vista APIs to light up your applications
- Windows Vista control enhancements -
- Top 10 ways to light up your Windows Vista apps -
- The Vista Bridge sample library of managed wrappers for some new Windows Vista APIs -
- MSDN geekSpeak webcast recording of the Windows Vista bridge, with Kate Gregory -
Part 3 - Workflow Services with WF and WCF
- MSDN magazine article on Workflow Services -
- Channel 9 video on WF/WCF integration in .NET 3.5
Part 4 - Occasionally connected applications (OCAs)
- Introduction to Occasionally Connected Applications using Sync Services for ADO.NET -
- Microsoft Sync Framework Developer Center -
- Sync Framework code gallery (has some samples on conflict resolution and syncing other types of data) -
- The Sync team's blog -
May 02, 2008
Glen, Thank you for this great listing! Cheers, KarlAnonymous
May 02, 2008
Will the slides and sample projects for HHH be made available anywhere? I thought your presentation and the one right before you on Office framework were great so i wanted to download slides and project but i can't find them anywhere on the HHH site and there are no links to contact anyone at MS from that site!!!Anonymous
May 07, 2008
Thank you for a very information packed session. Keep up the good work.