
Training and Content Development

I’ve been thinking about this for some time now and decided it was time focus some more effort in this direction.   I authored a course on Windows 7 a couple of years back now, and it is doing rather well in the Community Course arena for Microsoft Learning.  I have been entertaining thoughts of authoring more courses.  Initially I wondered which area to focus on such as Windows and IT topics, developer focused training, or database.

After looking at the offerings in the channel today, I think there may be some gaps in available training and think they should be filled.  My initial thoughts are around three potential courses;

  1. Intro to Object-Oriented Programming
  2. Intro to OOP Using C#, VB, C++. (no language decision yet)
  3. Intro to C++ Programming


Why might I want to do this?   Mostly because I enjoy helping others reach their goals through education.  Education has been a big part of my life and I believe a person should never stop learning. 

Having taught at post-secondary schools in the past and seeing the students “get it” makes it worthwhile.  Also, getting feedback on the content that I have authored so far helps me to understand what students and trainers like and dislike about my courseware or others and helps me think about ways to improve it.

I may change this blog’s purpose to one focused on IT-based education and courseware authoring and provide insight into the processes and outcomes of my authoring experiences and that of others.  Hopefully it will also become a place where readers will post their thoughts on how they learn best and what makes a great learning experience for them.
