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GarethJ's WebLog - OneNote API musings

New DSL Screencasts avaialble from VSX Conference

Just a quick note that there are a couple of DSL/T4 specific sessions among the plethora of great...

Author: GarethJones Date: 10/21/2008

informIT video interview on DSL Tools with Ted Neward and Gareth Jones

These videos have been around for quite a while now, but I suddenly realised that I didn't have any...

Author: GarethJones Date: 10/14/2008

Hanselman gives T4 some love.

Aaron just pointed out to me that Scott Hanselman has been lavishing love on T4, Oleg's techniques...

Author: GarethJones Date: 10/14/2008

Does anyone use T4's support for calling the VS service from unmanaged code?

We're considering dropping this support in the next version of Visual Studio and restricting T4 to...

Author: GarethJones Date: 09/24/2008

Clarius' T4 Editor ships V1.0

Victor pinged me to say that Clarius had launched their eagerly-awaited T4 editor for Visual Studio....

Author: GarethJones Date: 09/15/2008

Gnomz Software's Viewpoints for Visual Studio

Graham from Gnomz Software pinged to mention his company's DSL-based viewpoint business modeling...

Author: GarethJones Date: 09/15/2008

Come to the VSX DevCon

James has just posted a few of the session abstracts for our spiffy VSX Developer Conference to be...

Author: GarethJones Date: 07/29/2008

DSL Book samples updated for Visual Studio 2008

It's taken us a little while, but the code samples for our book, Domain-Specific Development with...

Author: GarethJones Date: 07/22/2008

We shipped the Visual Studio 2008 SDK 1.1 Beta!

Quan just announced that today we shipped another release of the Visual Studio 2008 SDK. See more...

Author: GarethJones Date: 05/19/2008

Where have all the testers gone?

(With apologies to Paula Cole) We've had jobs posted for testers for DSL Tools and the other cool...

Author: GarethJones Date: 05/19/2008

Couple more VSX bloggers

And here's a couple more folks with VSX/DSL related blog series that I missed from my previous post:...

Author: GarethJones Date: 05/19/2008

A rash of bloggers

Just lately there seems to be a veritable feast of new blog stuff about VSX (if you don't mind me...

Author: GarethJones Date: 05/14/2008

Welcome Jean-Marc!

Somewhat belatedly, I wanted to welcome the latest addition to the Visual Studio eXtensibility team....

Author: GarethJones Date: 04/21/2008


Josef Eissing and Marcel Binot just dropped me a note to say that they'd released a CTP of their new...

Author: GarethJones Date: 04/21/2008

Struggling with your Command Tables? VSCT PowerToy is here

vsct files (and their predecessors, ctc files) can be tricky little beasts to get just right. As...

Author: GarethJones Date: 04/10/2008

DSL on the Mersey

Paul Kinlan dropped me a line about a talk he's doing on DSL and T4 at the upcoming Liverpool .Net...

Author: GarethJones Date: 04/07/2008

Is your job so bad?

From Jim Glass... A CRM Riff : 5 Reasons to Quit Complaining About Your Job The first one gives me...

Author: GarethJones Date: 02/27/2008

Soma has just announced that our new Gallery for all kinds of VS eXtensions is live. Major props to...

Author: GarethJones Date: 02/27/2008

New DSL Tools Videos Online

I've just noticed that at the top of the Visual Studio Start Page RSS feed today are two groovy...

Author: GarethJones Date: 02/22/2008

XNA Studio and DSL Tools - Better Together

I've been meaning to blog this for an age. Over in Furtaspace (love that name), André points out...

Author: GarethJones Date: 02/19/2008

Web Service Software Factory Modeling Edition Customization via Avanade

Gerardo de Geest and Gerben van Loon of Avanade have a great new MSDN article... Web Service...

Author: GarethJones Date: 02/19/2008

Underexplored VSX Nuggets Vol #37: How a DSL Diagram is rendered

This is an area I always have to remind myself of every time someone asks a question, so I thought...

Author: GarethJones Date: 02/13/2008

More general-purpose T4 goodness

Oleg saw my post about Kiril's general-purpose use of T4 and gently pointed me at the set of...

Author: GarethJones Date: 02/04/2008

Inovak learns VSX - Now!

Over in Hungary, one of our C# MVPs, Inovak has started a extremely nice series of mini-articles on...

Author: GarethJones Date: 02/01/2008

Wojtek at Wicsa

My esteemed colleague, Wojtek Kozaczynski, will be giving a tutorial on "Representing Application...

Author: GarethJones Date: 02/01/2008

Fun use of T4 to generate strongly-typed web navigation

I wondered how long it would be before folks outside of the DSL Tools/VSX/SF community started to...

Author: GarethJones Date: 01/31/2008

Too much of life wasted on this soundtrack...

This video is very amusing for Microsofties and maybe helps lift the veil to outsiders on why we're...

Author: GarethJones Date: 01/30/2008

DSL Presentation at New Jersey Microsoft Developer's Group

Sujit D'Mello of Microsoft Consulting Services will be presenting on DSL Tools at this user group...

Author: GarethJones Date: 01/30/2008

Team Architect Case Study with Software Factories

More catching up. I was asked about case studies in my webcast today. A good while ago, Clemens...

Author: GarethJones Date: 01/29/2008

50 Years of an Institution - LEGO still rocks

I hear from Michael that LEGO is celebrating its 50th anniversary. I'm quite certain that LEGO and...

Author: GarethJones Date: 01/29/2008

Help in tackling the hard problem of model<-->code synchronization

As we discuss in Chapter 8 of our book, it's a relatively taxing problem to do high fidelity...

Author: GarethJones Date: 01/28/2008

DSL Tools MSDN WebCast tomorrow

Just realized I'd failed to advertise my MSDN webcast tomorrow, entitled Domain-Specific Development...

Author: GarethJones Date: 01/28/2008

Gerardo explores domain-specific language evolution tools

Gerardo de Geest, Antoine Savelkoul and Aali Alikoski of Avanade have an interesting presentation...

Author: GarethJones Date: 01/24/2008

Quan is blogging

Quan To, our top-notch, shiny new program manager on the team, is blogging. I'm sure it's going to...

Author: GarethJones Date: 01/16/2008

As it's nearly Christmas...

... and therefore shortly the delectable Kylie (squeee!) will be helping the Doctor save the world...

Author: GarethJones Date: 12/19/2007

Web Service Software Factory: Modeling Edition

Plenty has been said about this around the web, but it's pretty exciting that the first p&p...

Author: GarethJones Date: 12/18/2007

Les WebCasts de toutes les sessions VSX Day sont disponibles!

OK, so I don't get to blog in French much (d'habitude pas du tout - in fact) and of course I stole...

Author: GarethJones Date: 12/18/2007

Template Code Generation built-in to Visual Studio and Clarius' T4 Editor

One of the big deals for us with Visual Studio 2008 is the fact that our runtimes are in the box. A...

Author: GarethJones Date: 12/18/2007

Hiring for DSL Tools and Visual Studio eXtensibility in both Cambridge and Redmond

We're expanding further. I posted a little while ago about jobs in Redmond on our new, combined DSL...

Author: GarethJones Date: 12/07/2007

We've shipped - what a week - and what a month

Well, you could hardly have missed that Visual Studio 2008 shipped this week. And as Ken has just...

Author: GarethJones Date: 11/21/2007

DSL Forum has merged with the VSX forum

As I announced a month or so ago, we've merged the DSL Forum into the VSX forum. This has gone live...

Author: GarethJones Date: 10/12/2007

What should we be testing?

Leonardo has an interesting post over at the himalia site, wondering whether abstractions in general...

Author: GarethJones Date: 10/09/2007

You learn something new every day (or two things, if you're lucky)

We've been talking a lot lately about managing breaking changes on our team, so I spent some time...

Author: GarethJones Date: 09/20/2007

Both Visual ANDALSO Basic

Ken has just announced over on the VSX blog that we're releasing our VB Pack for the VS 2005 SDK,...

Author: GarethJones Date: 09/17/2007

Soma on the modeling big picture

As Pedro notes, Soma has been talking with eWeek about some of our longer-term modeling plans. Nice...

Author: GarethJones Date: 09/06/2007

Visual Studio Ecosystem/DSL Tools team hiring (again)

This time we're looking for folks who want a job in Redmond, WA, USA. We're looking for a pretty...

Author: GarethJones Date: 09/06/2007

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