Exchange Server 2003 SP2 Released! (and why it is important for Windows Mobile's ecosystem)
The new Exchange service pack was released yesterday and I will try to put together some info about that - nowadays when you blog about something that was release the day before, there is not much to blog other than trying to compile a list of what has already been blogged. :-)
Service Pack 2 is an important part of Windows Mobile's ecosystem - together with Windows Mobile 5.0 and Messaging and Security Feature Pack (MSFP), SP2 allows for several new mobile features related to messaging:
- The so-called push-mail experience: DirectPush
- Data compression
- Password enforcement
- Local and remote wipe
- Certificate-based authentication
- GAL lookup, over the air Task sync and picture's contacts sync
With SP2 available, the missing "only" missing part is the Messaging & Security Feature Pack - OEMs are already working on integrating this pack into devices and we hope to have them available (integrated in the ROM) soon. I've been playing with MSFP since Beta 1 and guess what?! It is cool!!! :-)
Here is a list of links I've compiled:
Exchange Server Home
Case Studies About Exchange Server 2003
Windows Mobile for Business
The Benefits of Microsoft Mobile Messaging
Exchange Server 2003 SP2 Overview
Service Pack 2 for Exchange Server 2003 - Download
Better Together: Windows Mobile 5.0 and Exchange Server 2003
Windows Mobile 5.0 and Exchange Server 2003
Top 10 Reasons to Install Exchange Server 2003 SP2
Why Try Service Pack 2 for Exchange Server 2003?
Exchange Server 2003 in Depth - Webcasts
Please, let me know your comments/doubts!
Tags: [Microsoft] [Windows Mobile] [Exchange Server] [MSFP]