Notes from the Field
A man. A mouse. A plan.
Extending Data Contracts
So let's say you're working on a WCF app and following a contract-first driven development model and...
Date: 10/16/2008
How To Debug Windows Service OnStart
The article, How to: Debug Windows Service Applications details how to attach to a running process...
Date: 07/21/2008
Using a FM Transmitter with a Zune
Like many geeks, I'd like the ability to play music anywhere in my house from the music collection...
Date: 06/25/2008
Planning for Windows Home Server with the Drobo
For several months now I've been considering putting together a home network that meets the...
Date: 06/24/2008
Recover Documents from MOSS 2007 Database
Introduction A couple years ago I wrote a prior post on how a simple VBS script can be used to...
Date: 06/23/2008
Generic DataContract Serializer or The Last DataContract Serializer on Earth
Alternate post title is written with apologies to Vicent Price. When working with any technology...
Date: 06/19/2008
Flickr and .NET
I recently came across this article: Flickr-ing about with .NET. Anyone who has uploaded photos to...
Date: 09/27/2006
Inferring SharePoint 2007 Web Service Parameters
The SharePoint 2007 SDK documentation for the Beta2TR is currently lacking in details around...
Date: 09/22/2006
Infopath Form Serialization and Schema Names
If you are working with SharePoint 2007 workflows, then you've probably had a need to serialize and...
Date: 09/21/2006
Recover Documents from SharePoint 2003 Database
This will not work with MOSS 2007. If you are looking for a MOSS 2007 solution for recovering...
Date: 09/17/2006