Tailspin Surveys–Windows Phone 7 edition
Here’s a high level overview of the major components we are planning for Talspin Surveys.
A few notes:
- The backend is essentially an extension to Tailspin surveys as described an implemented in the Windows Azure Architecture Guide (Part 2).
- There’s now a new services head (an OData/JSON API) that is used by the devices.
- Tailspin also has a “mobile website” to enable phone users to subscribe and download the app from the marketplace.
- There are new survey question types that are specific for the phone:
- Photos.
- Voice.
- GPS location.
- Users of the app can subscribe to surveys that match a specific criteria (e.g. “surveys that take less than 10 min” or “surveys from “Adatum”).
- Tailspin backend will use push notifications to advertise new surveys that match the user selection criteria.
- The application architecture is pretty straightforward:
- It will operate always regardless of network status.
- The app always goes against local storage (isolated storage files).
- A separate task will send results back to the backend service and download new surveys available to the user.
- This task is likely to be a background thread in the same app.
- UI will follow all WP7 guidelines as documented here.
We are very close to have a first early release on Codeplex.