
An Apology to all our Community Members

As a product manager, I’m responsible, among other things, for the relationship between our Customers and my Team. As such, I’d like to apologize for the problems experienced during the last days with our Community sites hosted on GotDotNet.

I know that generally speaking your experience with our community sites is less than satisfactory. I’m very much aware of the problems experienced in using GotDotNet hosted sites, especially in the last 4 days.

We feel the same pain you feel. Why? because we are also users of the GotDotNet service. We are admins of our workspaces there, but we don't develop, operate, monitor, or maintain this infrastructure.

This week has been especially painful for us, because of the release of CAB last Monday. I feel disappointed that after such a big effort to get the code out of the door, the site became unavailable.

Enabling a dialogue with our Customers and Partners is a core element in our development process. We our proud of the transparency under which we run our projects starting very early in their lifecycle. The CAB community is just an example of that and certainly want to do more with this respect.

We are committed to create the best guidance possible to help you build first class solutions on the Microsoft platform. For this reason, we are actively evaluating different alternatives that would result in a better service for you and for us.