
Photographers at Microsoft Fundraiser

There’s a fairly active photography alias at Microsoft, and last year during October – the annual Microsoft Giving Campaign – about 200 photographers got together and produced a Blurb book titled “Photographers @ Microsoft”. They put it on sale for a price that would raise $25 per copy.

The ended up raising $50,000.

This year there has been more participation, and the book is printed on an offset press. I’ve seen advance copies and they’re as nice as any coffee table book you’ve seen (well, perhaps not as nice as Kramer’s…). They are slightly cheaper than the previous year’s books (offset printing is cheaper if you print enough), and still raise $25 per copy.

You can preview and order the book here (if you’re at MS, enter your alias and employee number and matching will happen to make it $50 a copy).

If you click on the image above, you can see small versions of the photos – they’re stunning. If you look carefully, you might find my contribution.

Bubo bubo