Dynamics CRM for Tablets Apps Updated
Along with the release of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Service Pack 1 and the upgrade of online organizations to the CRM Online Spring ’14 release we have released mobile app updates to the marketplace.
With these releases we now have 4 tablet apps available:
Microsoft Dynamics CRM (for Windows 8.1)
Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Windows 8
Microsoft Dynamics CRM for iPad
Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Android
More information and download links are available on the Install the CRM for tablets app page.
New Features
Changes to Work Offline capabilities
Android Apps available
Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 Apps available
Improved Side-by-Side views in Windows 8.1
In the Windows Store you will now see 2 apps listed.
Both of these apps will work on Windows 8.1 devices but only the “Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Windows 8” app will work on Windows 8 devices. The 8.1 app requires that SP1/Spring ’14 update is installed on the CRM Server.
Best Regards
Dynamics CRM Support Team
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