
Almost finished my book... Pro SharePoint Solution Development: Combining .NET, SharePoint, and Office 2007

So I have not been posting for quite some time. The major reason is that every moment outside of work is being put into this latest effort. The book is called "Pro SharePoint Solution Development: Combining .NET, SharePoint, and Office 2007". It is going to be published by Apress in the spring. I'm nearing the point where most of the first drafts are complete and people are seeing my name on Amazon.com, sooooo I figured it was time to start sharing.

The book is for developers and focuses on solution development using Office 2007, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, and Visual Studio Tools for Office 2005 SE. With these three major components, we are able to tackle some common problems facing information workers as they try to collaborate, use data effectively, etc. After a few overview chapters on each technology, the other chapters are self contained problems/solutions.

I have posted a page containing more details and the current state of the table of contents. I will use this blog to elaborate as we finish the book up: https://blogs.msdn.com/edhild/pages/pro-sharepoint-solution-development-combining-net-sharepoint-and-office-2007.aspx

Come back for updates! Thanks -Ed