
Zero2Ten releases Constant Contact Connector for Microsoft CRM



Zero2Ten is happy to announce the general release of the Constant Contact Connector for MS CRM Online or On-Premise platform. The solution was developed to facilitate a seamless user experience of closed loop Email Marketing between Microsoft CRM and the Constant Contact Email Marketing Platform.   Although Email Marketing functionality exists natively within the MSCRM tool, there are some limitations and drawbacks when firms are looking at performing large and more frequent email blasts to their constituents.  Issues such as domain blacklisting and the inability to effectively track delivery status and click-throughs somewhat limit what can be performed in a closed loop manner.

cCubedThe Answer .... CCUBED from Zero2Ten, Inc. This platform literally bridges the gap between Microsoft CRM and Constant Contact, leveraging the capabilities and strengths of both technologies to provide a truly closed loop solution.  Although these connectors are available with some of the higher-end Email Marketing platforms in the market, Constant Contact provides service plans for performing Email blasts for as little as $15/month!

THE USER EXPERIENCE: Once configured and deployed, the user experience for establishing and deploying a closed loop Email Marketing Campaign works as follows:

  1. Users define their lists within MSCRM using the Advanced Find Functionality. Once defined, users "Mark" these lists being "Constant Contact" lists or not.  This is important in that only those lists marked as CC lists will be synchronized to the CC platform.
  2. Once lists are defined and marked, CCUBED will perform synchronization between your MSCRM lists and your CC lists.   If a new list in MSCRM is marked, it will be loaded into CC.  If an existing list that was marked in CRM is unmarked or removed, it will be removed from CC.  This is important in that CC charges based on contact numbers, so keeping old lists out of the platform will save you money!
  3. After the lists are synched, users then access their CC accounts to build email templates to apply. The email editor in CC is feature rich and allows users to select from custom layouts and color schemes.   Users can also load in their templates and graphics.
  4. Using designated lists from MS CRM and Email Templates, a Campaign is assigned in CC. You then correlate your lists to the specific Campaign and the emails are sent.
  5. Once the Emails in CC are sent, CCUBED will record the campaign in MSCRM, list assignments and email activities for each email that was sent.   In addition, as delivery status and click-through data is recorded in CC, CCUBED will push this data through to CRM where you can then take critical action on the data.  This could be reporting or the activation of workflow processes based on results!


  • EFFICIENCY: By integrating these two platforms together, there is a significant gain in efficiencies from building lists and keeping lists in synch between your CRM Platform and your Email Marketing Tool.  Also - as lists grow stale in CRM, unmarking these lists will automatically remove them from CC ensuring you are not paying for contacts that you are not communicating with any longer.
  • CLOSED LOOP SYSTEM:  Although having the platforms integrated does save time, the REAL value of this solution is getting the data and results of Email Blasts pushed back into CRM and associated with the campaigns and individual contacts that are being targeted.  Although this information is stored within the CC platform, it is "raw data" that cannot be automatically acted upon.  Since this is now being pushed into CRM, your organization has the power to store individual responses associated with contacts and take workflow action based on results!


  • CCUBED is provided directly from Zero2Ten, Inc. for a price of $1,750.  This is a one-time fee for the platform and there is a 15% maintenance fee for support and upgrades annually.
  • Zero2Ten is also a registered partner with Constant Contact and will be able to facilitate the process of getting your organization registered for the plan that fits your needs. 

For more details email c.cubed@zero2tencrm.com or Margaret.wise@zero2tencrm.com.

- Eric Boocock