
What’s the X Factor of your business?

XRM is built upon Microsoft Dynamics CRM’s business application development platform – a platform that can be transformed to support relational business applications. Whether you’re looking to manage real estate properties, recruit employees, or manage franchises, XRM is a platform to solve your basic business needs no matter what they are.

That’s the X Factor in XRM.

Sign up today for a three-session webcast series on XRM for Microsoft Dynamics CRM, hosted by Microsoft Technology Specialists.  The first session will provide an introduction to XRM.  In the second session we’ll cover building business applications in XRM, and in the third session we’ll demonstrate XRM in application.

From Microsoft CRM to XRM: Introduction

Wednesday, October 28

8:30 – 9:30 AM Pacific Time

Presenters: Kevin Williamson and Jon White

From Microsoft CRM to XRM: Building Business Applications

Thursday, November 5

8:30 – 9:30 AM Pacific Time

Presenters: Jon White and Laura Robinson

From Microsoft CRM to XRM: XRM Demonstration

Wednesday, November 11

8:30 – 9:30 AM Pacific Time

Presenters: Eric Boocock and Special Guest

We look forward to seeing you at the webcasts!
