
Holiday Greetings from Roletailors.com

Een creatief role center en zo van toepassing dat het een post waard is. Universeel overgenomen van Roletailors kerstgroet.


Santa’s Role Center – a Holiday Case Story!

We would like to thank all our customers, partners, vendors, friends and all of you who made 2010 a special year for Roletailors.com!

With more than 500 true Microsoft Dynamics NAV believers attending our workshops in 2010, Roletailors.com has paved the path to the future for many partners and customers. It has been a pleasure to work with all these “Navision-lovers” striving to get the RoleTailored thinking into their minds, overall acceptance and daily work routines.


For your inspiration, please take a look at this case story, where we have assisted an individual, who is very busy around this time of the year, to obtain a better overview in his daily work by taking advantage of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Role Center.

Roletailors.com has our more than 6 years’ experience in RoleTailored Client Analysis combined with a strong Usability Engineering background. We have been transferring our skills and tools to partners of all sizes and in many areas of the World during the last two years. We are looking forward to continue this work in the years to come!

We wish you Happy Holidays and a Joyful New Year!

Sisser Wichmann & Niels-Erik Hansen



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2900 Hellerup


+45 70 20 97 79