
The MSDN Developer Conference is coming…I'll be there


I'll be speaking on Oslo in one session ("A Lap Around 'Oslo'") and on VSTS 2010 ("'Rosario': A Sprint with the Next Version of Microsoft Visual Studio Team System") in the Atlanta session on 12/16/2008.  There are a lot more sessions going.  For those of you who couldn't go to PDC (like yours truly), this is a good chance to experience the same content in person.  If you look at my previous post, you'll be able to see some of the videos--it's a rich source of information.

Here's some of the content you'll see at the MSDN Developer Conference.

  1. Experience Microsoft’s Cloud Computing Platform
    Create applications that seamlessly bridge the gaps between PC, Web, and phone
  2. Be among the first to see Windows 7
    See the latest advances in Multi-Touch Application Development
  3. Take your .NET skills to the next level
    See sessions on WPF 4.0, Silverlight 2, ASP.NET 4.0, Parallel Programming, Live Mesh and more

It's just $99 to attend.   Of course, there's the chance to win cool stuff too.  You can look at the session line up.


Cloud Services Client and Presentation Tools, Languages and Framework
Lap Around Cloud Services Windows Presentation Framework (WPF) Roadmap The Future of Managed Languages: F#, C#, and Visual Basic
Developing and Deploying Your First Cloud Services Developing Data-centric Applications Using the WPF DataGrid and Ribbon Controls A Lap Around "Oslo"
A Lap Around the Live Framework and Mesh Services Building Business Focused Applications using Silverlight 2 "Rosario": A Sprint with the Next Version of Microsoft Visual Studio Team System
Developing Applications Using Data Services ASP.NET 4.0 Roadmap Parallel Programming for Managed Code Developers











And the registration dates and links are in this table:

Date City
12/9/08 Houston, TX
12/11/08 Orlando, FL
12/16/08 Atlanta, GA
1/13/09 Chicago, IL
1/13/09 Minneapolis, MN
1/16/09 Washington, DC
1/20/09 New York, NY
1/22/09 Boston, MA
1/22/09 Detroit, MI
1/26/09 Dallas, TX
2/19/90 San Francisco, CA


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