
25 apps for christmas–microsoft tag and word lens

in the first month of this blog (back in april 2008) i blogged about ice cube.  it’s now two and a half years later and i’m blogging about diddy.  he’s #9 on klout’s twitter influence list (the top 20 is interesting – included below) and microsoft is working with him to promote microsoft tag (which has made my list of applications).

Don't have a tag reader? Go to gettag.mobi on your mobile web browser to install it.

microsoft tag avoids having to remember urls (or even short urls – another subject that i think i’ve covered in a sunday post for everyone) – just take a picture and it takes you to related content.

1. justinbieber 100
2. paulocoelho 96
3. joejonas 92
4. kanyewest 90.9
5. dalailama 90.6
6. nickjonas 90.1
7. ladygaga 89.6
8. conanobrien 89
9. iamdiddy 88.9
10. yelyahwilliams 88.8
11. barackobama 88.5
12. kimkardashian 88.5
13. tyrese 87.9
14. federicodevito 87.7
15. joseserra_ 87.1
16. theellenshow 87.04
17. angelasimmons 87
18. katyperry 87
19. ebertchicago 86.7
20. rickwarren 86.7

i just signed up for klout’s service – will write something about my online influence later this month!

the other app making noise today is word lens.  according to the youtube videos and their website – it will instantly translate from spanish to english (or the other way around) based upon a picture you take of a sign (app is free and then you pay for the translation capability).