Making Asynchronous Calls Easier
Well, I just posted an article talking about making asynchronous web service calls from a WinForm smart client application a bit easier.
I'm not sure how you're supposed to make it appear on your blog so I've gone for creating this post and linking to it (click here). Is that the way it's done? No doubt somebody will complain bitterly if it's not. In the meantime, I'll try and RTFM for .Text...
- Anonymous
December 12, 2003
1. There is no manual..yet...more on that in a day or so.
2. Articles do no get syndicated. The only way (other than browsing a category) for someone to know about a story/article is if you let them know via an entry.
Scott - Anonymous
January 07, 2004
This is cool, and comes from David Hill (a solutions architect working in the .Net Enterprise Architecture Team at Microsoft)... Making Asynchronous Calls Easier Well, I just posted an article talking about making asynchronous web service calls from a WinForm smart client application a bit easier....