
Yes, I am still alive...!

I know posts here have been sparse recently but I haven't neglected the blog, honest! Firstly, I was in the Canary Islands for a week’s holiday and since then I have been swamped with preparation work for the upcoming release of Windows 7. Consequently, I will have some great Windows 7 topics to blog about, as well as plenty of other things.

In the meantime, you can check out some of the shoddy marketing attempts that VMWare is using to try and discredit Hyper-V R2. Frankly, for a billion dollar company like VMWare, they should be able to do better than this. Anyway, the responses from Jeff Woolsey (Microsoft) should help to dispel some of the baseless fud that my anti-Microsoft VMware-obsessed brother has had drilled into him by his VMWare sales rep.

Get the full story here: blogs.technet.com/virtualization/archive/2009/05/09/hyper-v-winning-daily-vmware-fud-reaching-new-heights.aspx

If this is the best that VMWare can do, and if this is their latest hard thought out Hyper-V killer strategy then they are clearly worried about what Hyper-V R2 will do to their marketshare.

Stay tuned...