
Project 2010 sales readiness action for EPM Specialized partners.

Want customers to connect with you for deploying Project Server 2010? Help us , help you.

As part of the Project 2010 Launch activities we would like you to validate your contact information on the partner directory, https://www.microsoft.com/project/en/us/find-partner.aspx .

Please email any updates to proj2010@microsoft.com with the subject stating “Partner Directory”.

The context.
To best serve our customers when making the decision to identify a partner to deploy the EPM 2010 solution we created the EPM Specialized partner directory as an aid.

The purpose is to provide the customer with a list of the nearest EPM Specialized partners.  Customer tend to like to deal with local consultants.

The location of all the EPM Specialized partners is presented to our customers through a Bing Map on https://www.microsoft.com/project/en/us/find-partner.aspx

The data contained in the directory is a snapshot in time and we have kicked off an initiative to scrub this data and implement an ongoing maintenance process.

We ask you in the first instance to contact proj2010@microsoft.com with any updates or comments. Please ensure that the locations are reflected in your organizational data in the https://partner.microsoft.com/

If you are not EPM Specialized and want to participate in this benefit, sign up now referencing https://partner.microsoft.com/global/program/competencies/iwsolutions/epm 

Thank you for your time.