Predictive indexing and queries to allow users to work with the full 30 million item capacity of a document library without throttling large queries
Bulk metadata updates to allow upload millions of documents and manage metadata and policy in bulk without needing to update each document individually.
New white paper & Sway presentation update. All of these are now available through the Content Services Resource Center here on the Tech Community, with blog posts, analyst reports, case studies and more
File move among OneDrive and SharePoint with full fidelity for version history and metadata. To move a file in OneDrive or SharePoint, select a file and the destination for it
Word SharePoint Properties Panel to allow users to directly edit metadata column values inside Word for custom library metadata
New support for Flow to automate document approval and publishing, and to enable simple review and signoff among members of a group
A new setting in the document library web part will be available soon to allow users to configure the part to optionally limit the view to a specific folder within a library