
VSTS Training in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane

Hey Mr Anthony Borton is running Application Lifecycle Management training centred around Visual Studio Team System, if ya interested in quality and rigour in your software development processes then you'd be pushed to find someone better qualified!! 




Great new courses on Visual Studio Team System including;

· VSTS Essentials

· VSTS Essentials for Project Managers and Business Analysts

· Essential Database Development with VSTS

· TFS Admin Essentials

Enhance ALM is offering the following public courses in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane this month.

Each of the following courses have been developed to assist development teams gain the most from their investment in Visual Studio Team System.

1. VSTS Essentials

Duration: 2 days Cost: $ 1,195 Course outline

Dates: Melbourne (15 & 16 Jun), Brisbane (22-23 Jun), Sydney (23-30 Jun)

2. VSTS Essentials for Project Managers and Business Analysts

Duration: 1 day Cost: $ 595 Course outline

Dates: Melbourne (17 Jun), Brisbane (24 Jun), Brisbane (1 Jul)

3. Essentials Database Development with VSTS

Duration: 1 day Cost: $ 595 Course outline

Dates: Melbourne (18 Jun), Brisbane (25 Jun), Brisbane (3 Jul)

4. TFS Admin Essentials

Duration: 1 day Cost: $ 595 Course outline

Dates: Melbourne (19 Jun), Brisbane (26 Jun), Brisbane (2 Jul)

More Details

Secure online event registration is available at https://secure.enhancealm.com.au/registration/registrationwizard.aspx

Please direct any queries to Anthony Borton ph: 0408 302 173 or email: anthonyb@enhancealm.com.au