
ISV Innovation Days coming to Canberra!! Dec 11th, 2007

By popular request the ISV Innovation Roadshow will be coming to Canberra - but there is a caveat, we're looking for a minimum of  20 people to register, so if you live in Canberra and your an ISV then get clicking and get yourself registered ASAP and we'll cya there:)

Register here: https://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032357432&Culture=en-AU


https://blogs.msdn.com/dglover/archive/2007/10/11/oz-isv-innovation-days-for-the-2008-launch-wave-coming-to-a-city-near-you.aspx for more info on the Innovation Roadshow and dates for other cities...

Cheers Dave
