
Peoples Choice Voting for Imagine Cup 2011

The Image Cup is a worldwide competition for students. Student teams compete in a number fo categories such as game design and software design for cash prizes, trips, et al.

This year there is a "peoples choice" category where the world can vote on which team they like the best. Right now you've got about ten days to vote with the voting ending April 10th.

Take some time, look at what each team has done, and put in the right vote. Or just vote for a school you like. But get out there and vote for your favorite "peoples choice" team in any case. The voting applications is at https://www.facebook.com/MicrosoftTechStudent?sk=app_188514771167996 .

I personally am really impressed with the applications. From BYU's Slate/Tablet plus Azure mobile UltraSound application, to XOZGaming (couple of high schoolers!) with a health epidemic game. I'm inspired by these guys. Great stuff...