November 6 - Orlando BizSpark Windows Phone “Learn, Build, Do” Loadfest and more
Believe it or not I picked up a few complainers re my October WP7 Loadfests in Florida post that there was NO LOADFEST IN ORLANDO. (yes jdb i know you're out there). I stand shamed.
Sooo, ONETUG leader Esteban Garcia, and Startup Evangelist Brian Johnson have teamed up with me to run a BizSpark Windows Phone 7 "Learn, Build, Do" type event.
The morning will lecture style with sessions on WP7 Overview and Design, Silverlight Dev with WP7, XNA Dev with WP7, and Monetizing Yourself.
The afternoon will offer a LoadFest style event if you want to load your app on a WP7 Device, as well as a guided "build an app" with me session, instructor-led.
Time schedule is on Saturday, November 6th, 2010 from 830A to 500P at Devry in Orlando.
Event registration and such are here.
What should you expect from a loadfest
You give me your drivers license, I loan you a phone in a 2 hour chunk. You give me the phone back, you get your drivers license back.
What do I need
BRING A LAPTOP loaded with the Windows Phone Developer Tools and the latest Zune Software. You get to sit there and debug and/or test run your app on a physical phone. That's pretty much it.
- Anonymous
October 21, 2010
updated event reg url - its now