FREE Windows 8 Dev with HTML5 Exam Voucher
I’m loving this offer. Get a free promo code for MCP Exam 70-480 “Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 ” . Note this exam is about HTML5 dev, not Windows 8 dev (thanks @armen).
All you have to do is complete the online course “Developing in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 Jump Start” and the voucher is yours. Good stuff. The offer is for a limited time only. As of this blog post its still active. For more info check out the link at . Enjoy, and let me know if you pass!
December 19, 2012
Thanks for the info!Anonymous
December 19, 2012
@sean - let us know how you do. those 2.5 hour exams are gueling.Anonymous
December 19, 2012
hi, this exam is not about Windows 8 development, do not be confused. It is HTML5, JS and CCS3, no word about Windows 8 or App store.Anonymous
December 19, 2012
@armen. thanks. will annotate post...Anonymous
December 20, 2012
You don't even have to take the course to get the code. I used this a while ago, and took and passed the exam in early December/late November. Didn't do the course and I do this for day job so knew most already. It's a great deal to get free exam!Anonymous
December 20, 2012