
The Great West Australian Bike Ride - Day 4

David Meego - Click for blog homepage

Day 4 - Tuesday 22-Mar-2011 - Rest Day in Margaret River - 0 km (0 mi)

Today was a rest day in Margaret River, which allowed us to recover from the previous 3 days of riding and prepare for the remaining 5 days. It was nice to sleep in a bit and not to have to pack up the tents in the morning.

The campsite was the local sports Oval and footy (AFL) ground which had lovely green grass. It also had signs around the outside saying "No Camping" which was ironic considering that there were some 1500 people in tents camped on the ground.

The day gave us a chance to get our dirty clothes clean AND dry. Our first stop once we had got ready was the local laundromat. With the queues of other riders and the time waiting for the washer and dryer, the process took about 2 hours.

As there was no ride to tell you about, I have a couple of other topics. We have seen the most amazing range of diverse bikes. There are all kinds of road racers from the latest carbon fibre drop handle bar road bike, to old steel racers, to alloy framed flat bar road bikes. Then come the mountain bikes with and without suspension, followed by the hybrid bikes (half way between a  flat bar road bike and mountain bike). These bikes come in all sizes and colours. 

And then we have the weird bikes. The folding bikes, the 2 and 3 wheeled recumbent bikes, the tandems, the bikes with pedalled trailers or 2 wheel trailers for really young kids. Finally there is my favourite, the 3 wheeled recumbent tandem.

The other topic is the WARBY's. These are volunteer experienced cyclists who ride with us and help with encouragement, advice and on-the-road technical repairs as needed. They are a great group of men (John and David pictured below) and women that make our lives as riders easier. Post  a comment if you can work out what the acronym WARBY stands for.

We have a team of dedicated volunteers that set up marquees each day to provide a mobile kitchen and dining and entertaining area. The long white tent is where they serve the food and the red and blue marquees are where we can sit and eat. In the evenings, they also provide live entertainment for us to enjoy.

The final point for today is to say "Thanks" to the guys from Normies Nibbles mobile gourmet food. I am allergic to flavour enhancers like MSG (Mono Sodium Glutamate) and we were a bit late in letting the organisers know. So while they provided a list of what meals I should not eat, they were unable to provide alternate meals. Well Normies Nibbles were at the Karridale and Margaret River campsites and were able to provide a delicious & "safe" steak and onion roll with homemade tomato relish and sauce. Yummy.

Time for bed now, we ride to Dunsborough tomorrow.



  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2011
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