
Global Engineering and Leadership Summit 2010

David Meego - Click for blog homepageYou might be wondering what happened to the usual post for last Monday.  Well, things have been a little busy and getting a post finished has been difficult. So, let me fill you in.

Last week, I was in Bellevue, Seattle, Washington, USA for the inaugural Global Engineering and Leadership Summit.  This internal 3 day conference gathered many of the Senior Support Engineers and Escalation Engineers for the Microsoft Dynamics product range (AX, CRM, GP & NAV) together for a fantastic talk-fest and knowledge sharing session.

I was able to catch up with most of the Microsoft Dynamics GP Escalation Engineering and Developer Support team from Fargo. I was also able to meet some of my colleagues from the Latin American Support team based in Mexico.

The summit had general sessions with a number of presenters including Kirill Tatarinov, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Business Solutions and Barbara Gordon, Corporate Vice President, Customer Service and Support (CSS). While it is always great to hear from the leadership teams, my favourite general session was from Mark Russinovich of Windows Sysinternals fame.  Mark presented a session on Windows Internals / Troubleshooting Tools which was fascinating, to see a similar session, please watch the video below:

Case of the Unexplained from Tech Ed by Mark Russinovich

The video is a little over an hour long, but is well worth watching.  Mark also showed some photos of BSOD (Blue Screens Of Death) occurring in public.  So I sent him one that I came across at Heathrow Airport when I was travelling over Christmas 2009 and New Year 2010.

 BSOD at Heathrow Airport, London, UK

The summit was a great success and hopefully the first of many.  Thank you to the team that made it happen, especially Lori Propp-Anderson (standing at the front center). We took the obligatory group photo of the attendees wearing their summit fleecy tops (click for a larger image).

Global Engineering and Leadership Summit 2010 - Click for larger image

The only downside for me with events like this is the length of travel time from Perth. I left Seattle at 4pm Friday (local time) and did not get home until 1pm Sunday (Perth time).

Maybe next year everyone can come to Perth... here's hoping.
