
Server and Tools Products International Customer Survey 2013 is opened until July 28th

As you know, Microsoft is dedicated to continually improve our products for our international customers. We are therefore launching a survey for our customers to give us feedback on the quality of the following products for your languages. The feedback you enter will help us improve further your experience in using the products. This survey will take approximately 5 to 15 minutes to complete, depending on your choice of the products usage questions. Your response is totally anonymous. We look forward to hearing your feedback.

Target Products

  • Visual Studio
  • SQL Server
  • Windows Azure
  • Windows Server
  • System Center


Survey Languages

The survey is available in the following languages. Please click the link to start the survey.





  • Anonymous
    July 02, 2013
    Feedback sent!

  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2013
    Thank you so much for your valuable contribution, Marcus! We do really appreciate it,